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After several years of experiencing bouts of sinusitis, I lost my sense of smell and taste almost completely. The only thing I could tell, was if something was sweet, sour, or bitter. After almost 7 years, my ENT and Allergist suggested that I have surgery to correct a deviated septum which might also benefit my lack of taste and smell. The surgery was about 4 years ago. It helped me breathe better but that was all. I never thought I would be able to enjoy the smell of flowers or taste my beloved chocolate again.
Then, in late June, 2010, I was given some Botano Guard and Botano Throat to try as I had a nagging cough and sinus issues once again. Well after just 2 to 3 weeks, I was feeling better and my cough was gone thanks to the Botano Throat lozenges. But the real "miracle" for me happened after I made a comment on how good something smelled that my daughter was cooking and she replied, "Mom, I thought you couldn't smell anymore?" I hadn't even realized that my sense of smell and taste were gradually returning. I then started noticing the improvement day by day. The swelling in my sinuses is reduced significantly. My sinusitis attacks and the headaches which accompany them have also diminished.
Taking the Botano Guard capsules was the only thing I was doing differently during this period of time in terms of taking nutritional supplements. It has been about 6 months and I am happy to say that I have regained about 80% of my smell and taste. My doctors are astonished.
This has been an extraordinary adventure one which I just had to share so that if there is anyone else searching for help with a similar problem, I encourage you to try Botano Guard. You don't know how miserable it can be not to be able to smell or taste, unless you lose it. Thank you WinVivo for developing this amazing product!
—Catherine H.
Naturally Anti-Microbial
Dissolves Mucus/Phlegm
Repairs Inflamed Throat
Synergy for Faster Relief
of Lung Inflammation
Synergy for Faster Relief of Inflammation
Naturally Anti-inflammatory
Densensitizes Allergies
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