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I love spicy food and would not truly enjoy a meal unless the dish is red hot or there is some chili sauce on the side. A few years ago I started to get a sore throat after lunch and dinner. In the winter time when it’s very dry inside the house, after a bowl of hot and spicy noodles (my favorite), the condition worsened: my throat was on fire; even talking would become a torture. I also developed a dry cough that would last for weeks. These years of abuse of my digestive system has finally produced chronic laryngitis in me.
Old habits die hard. It’s very difficult for me to give up spicy food but I have to do something about my inflamed throat after each meal. I could not seem be able to find any suitable throat lozenges to heal my irritated throat in drug stores or natural food stores until I got hold of WinVivo’s Botano Throat lozenges. The cooling, soothing sensation was so comforting after I put one in my mouth. I usually take two after a meal, good enough to prevent inflammation of my throat. I’m not sure how it works but it definitely makes a big difference in my life.
—Molly T.
Naturally Anti-Microbial
Naturally Anti-inflammatory
Desensitizes the Body to Allergens
Synergy for Faster Relief of Inflammation
Synergy for Faster Relief
of Lung InflammationBOTANO THROAT:
Dissolves Mucus/Phlegm
Repairs Inflamed Throat
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