Clinical Case Reports

Skin Ulcers of Mixed Etiology



Case 1: Diabetic/Arterial Foot Ulcer

Male, Age 62

History: Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Peripheral artery disease; Infected diabetic foot ulcer; Osteomyelitis; Partial excision of the 5th metatarsal head extending to the bone

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed daily

Complete wound closure after 10 weeks



Case 2: Diabetic/Venous Leg Ulcers

Female, Age 74

History: PVD, chronic venous insufficiency; Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Nephrosclerosis; s/p Kidney transplant; 9-month traumatic painful wound

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed daily


Case 3: Venous/Arterial Leg Ulcer

Male, Age 60

History: PVD, ABI <0.7, chronic venous insufficiency; Arterial hypertension; Hepatitis C; History of (L) ankle trauma and poorly healing wound for 2 years; (R) ankle trauma recently; Planned weekly appoinntments with Unna Boot changes but patient missed ~50% of the time

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment w/ adaptic gauze to wound; Dressing changed weekly





Case 4: Diabetic/Venous Leg Ulcer

Female, Age 59

History: Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, type 2; Arterial hypertension; Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI); History of venous stasis dermatitis, cellulitis and septicemia; Developed lower extremity ulcers 5 years ago; Failed Silverlon and Unna boot treatment

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed weekly w/ compression (Unna Boot)



Case 5: Ischemic Necrotic Foot Ulcer

Male, Age 54

History: Atherosclerosis; Coronary heart disease; Arterial hypertension; Heavy smoker

Treatment: Surgical debridement; Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed daily

Complete wound closure after 14 weeks


Case 6: Non-Healing Wound Post Toe Amputation

Male, Age 67

History: PVD, venous insufficiency; s/p liver transplant; s/p kidney transplant; Non-healing wound for over 6 months post amputation of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th toes

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed daily

Complete wound closure after 12 weeks


Case 7: Non-Healing Wound Post Mid-Foot Amputation

Female, Age 66

History: Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Peripheral artery disease; Failed (clotted) lower extremity bypass due to severe end-stage limb threatening ischemia; Several surgical debridements; Transmetatarsal amputation; Second lower extremity bypass; Lisfranc amputation

Treatment: Treated with WINVIVO Wound Ointment; Dressing changed daily

Complete wound closure after 18 weeks


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