Surprisingly Good Aftertaste

After recovered from a cold, I could not get rid of the residual cough. I tried the usual cough drops from drugs stores (Halls, Robitussin, Ricola) which suppressed my cough momentarily, but it upset my stomach after taking more than a few. And due to high sugar content in these cough drops, it leaves unpleasant aftertaste in my mouth. I tried many different brands; they all had the same problems.  That evening, I had to go to a social event. I planned to say hi to the hosts and leave early to avoid ruin people’s mood with my constant cough there. The hostess gave me a pouch of Botano Throat lozenges and said that I would not need to leave early. She told me the lozenges helped her chronic cough and they were made of natural ingredients and sugar free. Putting one in my mouth, I could immediately tell the difference of its taste from other cough drops: It did not taste like typical candy; it was minty, slight cooling sweetness with a bit orange zest like favor and taste.  After taking 2 of those lozenges, I did not feel the constant urge to cough; and a couple more later I forgot that I had a bad cough and ended up staying for the full length of the party. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that the lozenges did not upset my stomach AND they did not leave a bad aftertaste the way sugary cough drops usually do. The next day I bought some Botano Throat online to keep it handy.


—Jerry G.

Dissolves Mucus/Phlegm

Repairs Inflamed Throat

Synergy for Faster Relief
of Lung Inflammation

Naturally Anti-Microbial

Synergy for Faster Relief of Inflammation

Naturally Anti-inflammatory
Desensitizes the Body to Allergens

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