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Naturally Anti-Microbial
Naturally Anti-inflammatory
Desensitizes the Body to Allergens
Dissolves Mucus/Phlegm
Repairs Inflamed Throat
Synergy for Faster Relief of InflammationBOTANO GUARD + BOTANO THROAT:
Synergy for Faster Relief
of Lung Inflammation
Getting Rid of Headache from Work Stress
"Day in and day out I am roaming around meeting vendors and dealing with many thorny issues that just drive me nuts. I often worry that my hectic stressful work will take a toll on my health but I don’t want to start taking any drug. Plus, my annual physical check up reveals nothing wrong with me. But I suspect that my immune system is not strong as before. Since last month I have been taking Botano Guard regularly to boost my immune system..." [read more]
Cold Sore Disappeared Without Scar
"I have been battling with my cold sores for many years. I tried using high doses of B vitamin complex. It worked. But, with the dose I was using I experienced a bit of heart problem. I had to reduce the dosage but now my cold sores start to come back, especially when I am under a lot of stress. I discovered the WinVivo Healing Balm at the San Francisco Green Festival and used it for my big cold sore for the 3rd time: two on the top of my lips and one on the bottom." [read more]
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