The December 19, 2014 issue of Science Magazine contains a 14-page special report featuring the first part of the series entitled "The Art and Science of Traditional Medicine"—"TCM Today - A Case for Integration." In this first installment of the three part series, Science presents a series of articles making a case for the integration of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) into modern medical practice. From the new WHO (World Health Organization) Traditional Medicine Strategy to the application of systems biology in studying TCM, Science aims to highlight the potential for creating an integrated, network-based health care system. Margaret Chan, M.D., Director-General of the World Health Organization, opens the series by pointing out that nearly a quarter of all modern medicines are derived from natural products, many of which were first used in a traditional medicine context. She also states that Traditional Medicine can contribute to addressing a number of global health challenges of the 21st Century, in particular in the area of chronic, noncommunicable diseases and population aging.
Alan Leshner, Ph.D., CEO, AAAS, Executive Publisher of Science, follows by stating that in Buddhism, the Middle Way is described as the route to enlightenment—a path found by balancing opposing views, accepting neither extreme, but rather investigating both sides and finding a middle ground. He further suggests that perhaps a Middle Way can be found for traditional medicine, one that takes the best of East and West and brings them together for the benefit of all. To read the complete report, please click on
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