LifeLong Medical Care Welcomes WinVivo to Educate about Natural Health

Silicon Valley, CALIFORNIA – August 6, 2011


LifeLong Medical Care, located at Berkeley in the San Francisco East Bay Area, has been devoted to providing high-quality health and social services for over 35 years. The LifeLong outreach has serviced more than twenty thousand individuals of all ages in Alameda, Contra Costa, and Marin Counties.


On August 6, 2011 LifeLong Medical Care organized the 3rd Annual Community Walk and Health Fair to raise awareness of disease prevention and community support for people with unmet medical needs of all ages. Based on its innovative approaches to managing chronic health issues by using effective natural products, WinVivo was invited to participate in the Health Fair to educate the public about sustainable living and natural health care.


At the Health Fair, the WinVivo table was swarmed with visitors inquiring about how best to use food as medicine in dealing with their longstanding health issues, ranging from allergies, asthma, sinusitis, autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, and skin disorders such eczema and leg sores . The WinVivo team shared information on the traditional use of immune-regulatory mushrooms to reinforce the body's natural ability to fight infection, rebalance the immune system and to desensitize the body to various allergens that are actually benign substances. Samples of WinVivo's natural Healing Balm were widely sought after by many at the event who obtained them for themselves and their loved ones with skin issues.


WinVivo received heartfelt thanks from the event organization committee of LifeLong Medical Care, and from the public who shared their stories about how they have been searching for long-term sustainable solutions to their chronic health problems.


About WinVivo

WinVivo is a green healthcare company based in California's Silicon Valley.  Founded on the principle of "Food as Medicine," WinVivo's international team of biomedical professionals combines the best from the East and West to develop highly effective natural health and personal care products. Its high performance natural products are formulated by mining Asia's thousand year-old traditional knowledge base of using botanicals for preventing and treating disease, and combining it with modern scientific research of biological functions of the botanicals with safety and efficacy that have stood the test of time.


Naturally Anti-Microbial

Naturally Anti-inflammatory
Desensitizes the Body to Allergens
Dissolves Mucus/Phlegm

Repairs Inflamed Throat

Synergy for Faster Relief of Inflammation
Synergy for Faster Relief
of Lung Inflammation

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